


listsinceblock ( "blockhash" target_confirmations include_watchonly)

Get all transactions in blocks since block [blockhash], or all transactions if omitted

1. "blockhash" (string, optional) The block hash to list transactions since
2. target_confirmations: (numeric, optional) The confirmations required, must be 1 or more
3. include_watchonly: (bool, optional, default=false) Include transactions to watch-only addresses (see 'importaddress')
"transactions": [
"account":"accountname", (string) DEPRECATED. The account name associated with the transaction. Will be "" for the default account.
"address":"address", (string) The bitcoin address of the transaction. Not present for move transactions (category = move).
"category":"send|receive", (string) The transaction category. 'send' has negative amounts, 'receive' has positive amounts.
"amount":, (numeric) The amount in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + ". This is negative for the 'send' category, and for the 'move' category for moves
outbound. It is positive for the 'receive' category, and for the 'move' category for inbound funds.
"vout" : n, (numeric) the vout value
"fee":, (numeric) The amount of the fee in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + ". This is negative and only available for the 'send' category of transactions.
"confirmations": n, (numeric) The number of confirmations for the transaction. Available for 'send' and 'receive' category of transactions.
When it's < 0, it means the transaction conflicted that many blocks ago.
"blockhash": "hashvalue", (string) The block hash containing the transaction. Available for 'send' and 'receive' category of transactions.
"blockindex": n, (numeric) The index of the transaction in the block that includes it. Available for 'send' and 'receive' category of transactions.
"blocktime": xxx, (numeric) The block time in seconds since epoch (1 Jan 1970 GMT).
"txid": "transactionid", (string) The transaction id. Available for 'send' and 'receive' category of transactions.
"time": xxx, (numeric) The transaction time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT).
"timereceived": xxx, (numeric) The time received in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT). Available for 'send' and 'receive' category of transactions.
"bip125-replaceable": "yes|no|unknown", (string) Whether this transaction could be replaced due to BIP125 (replace-by-fee);
may be unknown for unconfirmed transactions not in the mempool
"abandoned": xxx, (bool) 'true' if the transaction has been abandoned (inputs are respendable). Only available for the 'send' category of transactions.
"comment": "...", (string) If a comment is associated with the transaction.
"label" : "label" (string) A comment for the address/transaction, if any
"to": "...", (string) If a comment to is associated with the transaction.
"lastblock": "lastblockhash" (string) The hash of the last block

> bitcoin-cli listsinceblock
> bitcoin-cli listsinceblock "000000000000000bacf66f7497b7dc45ef753ee9a7d38571037cdb1a57f663ad" 6
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "listsinceblock", "params": ["000000000000000bacf66f7497b7dc45ef753ee9a7d38571037cdb1a57f663ad", 6] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
Don't trust. Verify. Docs extracted from src/wallet/rpcwallet.cpp#L1652-L1696.